5 to 11 years

Teaching Your Child to Manage their Emotions

According to studies there are 27 different categories of emotion. Most fall under happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust. For children these can be difficult to deal with which…

Helping Your Child Become More Independent

As your child gets older, they will need to become less reliant on you and be able to take care of things for themselves. Things like cleaning, remembering important dates…

Supporting Your Child with their Mental Health

Mental health concerns a person’s emotional wellbeing and is just as important as physical health. We all have it, although some are more vulnerable to their emotions than others. For…

Where to find KS2 SATS papers

The key stage 2 Sats exams usually take place in year 6 of primary school. These exam scores are then compared to the year 2 sats papers to help measure…