Journals are useful tools for organisation as they give children a way of documenting things about their day. Despite living in a digital era, there are still many benefits to journaling for children. It can help with handwriting as regular writing helps to strengthen fine motor skills. A prep school in Surrey shares more on these benefits with us below.
Improved Mental Health
Writing about all the events of your day can offer some relief. It can act as an outlet for dealing with difficult situations and emotions for children while allowing them to take a step back and re-evaluate things. Often situations can seem bigger in our heads and looking at them from the point of view of an outsider can help you to consider perspectives besides your own.
A journal can also be a useful place for a child to keep a log of all their creative ideas. The next time that they have a brain wave, they can reach for their journal without worrying about forgetting anything. They can write about their day, their past and even plan for the future, making notes about their dreams and ambitions. A journal can work really well alongside a vision board to really help them with the whole visualisation process. There are lots of journal prompts and easy vision board ideas for teenagers to help get them going if they aren’t sure where to start.

Writing Skills
English is one of the most important subjects at school as the skills learnt are necessary for everyday life and all others that are a part of the curriculum. A journal can help to make writing a regular habit and in turn improve their SPAG.
Many of us will have had a homework diary at school. They are used to keep track of homework and any other important school dates and information. There’s no reason why your child can’t apply the same technique to their personal life. It can help them to stay afloat and not forget things like commitments to their extracurricular activities.
Something to Look Back On
Before they know it, your child will grow up and leave school. A journal gives them a way to document their childhood and have plenty of memories to look back on when they grow up