Weebles Wobble But They Don’t Fall Down | Review

AD Weebles are one of those toys that I remember from my own childhood, although back then I only remember them being shaped like people. Now, however, there are loads of fabulous characters from popular TV shows that have been turned in to Weebles too. Over the past three months Layla and I have had the pleasure of testing out three different sets of character Weebles and we’ve definitely had lots of fun along the way.

What are Weebles?

For anyone not already familiar with them, Weebles are chunky character toys with rounded bottoms filled with weights. You can move them from side to side or forward and backward, but they always come straight back up again. They are brilliant for preschoolers as they are light but chunky and easy to use, the rocking motion is funny and often seen as a challenge by children to keep them down, and there are no small parts making them nice and safe.

Weebles also make a great first collectable toy as there are several recognisable characters to collect within each range and for those that want to mix and match across the ranges, they can all be used together and fit inside all Weebles accessories such as cars and planes making them more affordable.

my little pony weebles

Cocomelon weebles

The first set we were sent to review were the Cocomelon Weebles. There are 5 to collect including

  • Tom Tom
  • YoYo
  • Three JJs in different outfits

You can purchse these as individual toys, sets or two’s or fours. Unlike some collectables you can see which ones are in your pack which I think is great for this age group as they usually know exactly which ones they want and unlike older children won’t find any fun in blind bag collectables.


Bluey Weeble’s

There are also 4 Bluey Weebles to collect including

  • Bluey
  • Chilli
  • Bingo
  • Bandit

If your child is a fan of Bluey, or likes dogs, then these Weebles are great for encouraging animal related imaginative play. As they have the rounded bottom instead of four legs, they are much easier for preschoolers to move around whilst playing and as they physically can’t fall over, they are much less frustrating than other animal toys that need to be carefully balanced on all four legs.

If you aren’t familiar with Bluey then it might be one you want to try with your child, here are some favourite Bluey episodes as recommended by a fellow parent blogger, Claire Mac.


My Little Pony Weebles

The My Little Pony Weeble’s were the last ones we were sent to test out any they were definitely Layla’s favourite. She loves the bright colours and recognises the characters from the My Little Pony cartoon and films she’s recently been enjoying too.

As Layla recently broke her leg we also discovered that Weebles make great tabletop or tray top toys as they have kept her entertained for ages simply rocking them back and forth trying to get them to fall down and then racing then across her tray. As a result, I think Weebles would also make great travel toys for on the plane, train or for when out and about in restaurants which I hadn’t previously considered.

my little pony webles

Overall, we think the Weebles make great toys for those aged 18 months and over. They require no additional parts or batteries, are easy to use and lots of fun.

All of the above Weebles are out now and available from most toy stores including Argos, Amazon, The Entertainer and Sainsburys. They are great preschooler toys and would make fantastic stocking fillers or table gifts this Christmas and with prices starting from only £4 they really are a bargain too.

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