5 to 11 years

Exploring Gratitude With Your Child

Gratitude is showing our appreciation for all of the good things in our lives. We can be thankful for our belongings, family and our surroundings. Being grateful encourages a positive…

3 Unique Extra-Curricular Activities for Children

Extra-curricular activities for children are a fun way for them to try new things, meet new people and stay active. Furthermore, participating in extra-curricular activities will help your son or…

Exploring Creative Writing with Your Child

Creative writing is a fun and educational activity to explore with children. It can help to increase vocabulary, improve handwriting and boost creativity. Parents can help to develop their child’s…

FREE 11 Plus Practice Papers

If you have stumbled across this blog looking for free 11 plus practice papers then you are most likely a parent or guardian who is currently trying to help your…

The Best Family Board Games Of All Time

One of our favourite past times is playing family board games. Ever since the boys were little we would carve out time to sit as a family and play classics…