Mind What You Think
Written by Psychiatrist Dr Karen Gaye Graham. Dr Graham is an adult, child and adolescent psychiatrist living in Australia. She has a medical degree (MBBS), is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP), and member of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (FCAP). She has experience treating anxiety, depression, complex trauma and other mental health issues. Her books are written to offer practical advice to help individuals deal with anxiety and stress.
Mind what you think focuses on helping you find balance in your life and enjoy freedom from stress. You will learn the importance of mental habits and simple techniques you can use to respond to negative thoughts to help you reduce stress.
Accept How You Feel
My Mini Micro Mindset Manual

Get Strong, Get Fit, Get Happy: A life manual for 40+
The fourth and final book in the competition bundle is Get Strong Get Fit, Get Happy written by personal trainer and nutritionist Stuart Roberts.
In this book Stuart aims to supply you with the knowledge, confidence and inspiration to reach and maintain a level of health and fitness for the rest of your life that many would consider unattainable. Stuart will have you reconsidering how your pre-conceived ideas and commonly held perceptions about ageing and health can unwittingly convince you to expect significantly declining health and physical fitness as you get older.
Whilst he does admit that age has some impact on health and fitness, he also promotes the idea that you can increase your chances of remaining physically active and healthy to the end of our lives, and avoid the illness, pain and infirmity often seen as inevitable.
This book is a practical manual with simple tips and suggestions that you can implement easily to get you started and move you forward.
So if you would like be in with a chance of winning this wonderful bundle of books then simple enter below.
Good Luck everyone
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