Helping Your Child Find A Love For Science

Science is all around us – the world wouldn’t be the way it is without science! And there are heaps of ways you can make science fun for children. Here are the best ways to help your child find their love for science, courtesy of this Independent School in the Cotswolds.

Make science experiments at home

There are many activities you can do at home that show science in action. Try the baking soda and vinegar volcano experiment, or crystal growing with many off-the-shelf materials like salt or sugar! These hands on experiences are a sure ire way to make science fun for children.

Visit a Science Museum

Museums of all forms are great for children. A lot of museums also have children’s activities they can take part in while they’re learning about biology, physics or chemistry throughout their visit. A lot of school trips are organised at museums where kids are free to explore and be creative in their own space.

make science fun for children

Go on a walk

A walk in a forest, up a mountain or across a beach or reservoir can show all sorts of wildlife and curiosities to children. With access to plant life, showing photosynthesis, and a range of different species to come across, there’s plenty of ways to incorporate science into your favourite outdoor activities.

Show how science works in the home

Of course there are ways that science works within your home. For example, how do clothes dry? How does a microwave work? Why does a cake need to be baked at a certain temperature?

There are a lot of questions your children will ask regularly that are due to science, so showing them how amazing the processes can be will inspire and educate your children at the same time. They’ll also see how science is fun, interesting and the reason why many of our favourite products exist today!