Baby shower games are a fun way to celebrate the impending arrival of a new baby and engage guests in the festivities. Here are 7 easy baby shower games you can include in your upcoming baby shower.
Baby Bingo
Create some bingo cards with baby-related items like “nappy” “teddy,” “onesie,” on them, either text or pictures whatever you find easiest and as the mum to be opens the baby shower gifts, guests mark off items on their cards. The first to get a line or full house wins a prize. Just remember to make sure the cards are slightly different otherwise everyone will call Bingo at the same time!
Guess the Baby Food
Probably one of the funniest baby shower games you can play. Buy a few jars of baby food and remove the labels, then have guests taste the different jars and guess the flavor by writing it down. Once everyone has had a go reveal the flavours and see who got the most correct answers. You can even blindfold the guests for added challenge if you want. Remember to check allergies first!
Guess the Date and weight
This is one of the most popular baby shower games and it is also super easy and cheap to do. Have guests write down their guess for the baby’s arrival date, time and weight. Put these somewhere safe so they can be checked after the big day and the guest who comes closest wins a prize.

Baby Price Is Right
A very easy baby shower game to put together and one that is great if you find you need to fill some time is baby price is right, a quick google search will have you sorted in no time. Show the guests some pictures of, or actual baby items and have guests guess the prices. The guest with the closest total without going over wins.
Advice Cards
Not exactly a game but still super cute for a baby shower and something the parents can look back o once the baby has arrived is advice cards. Provide the guests with cards to write down parenting advice or well wishes for the parents-to-be. Collect the cards in a box or scrapbook for the parents to keep, presented nicely this also doubles up as a baby shower gift.
Baby Trivia
Create a quiz with baby-related trivia questions and see who knows the most about babies. You can have a small prize for the winner if you want. Be sure to ask some really obscure questions to get the guests laughing too like the heaviest baby, the longest labour etc.
Guess the Baby Photo
Ask guests to bring baby photos of themselves and have everyone guess who’s who. This can be a fun icebreaker especially if you have a mix of gests that don’t already know each other. Remember to ask someone to provide one of the mum to be too so they aren’t left.
These cheap and easy baby shower games should keep all your guests occupied throughout the party and are super inclusive for all ages too. Just remember to keep an eye on the mum to be and see how she is doing as she may find too many games a bit overwhelming and might prefer just a couple of activities and then some relaxing time with friends and family.