The Parenting Resolutions Mummies Are Making Today

As 2017 comes to a close the majority of people will take some time to reflect on the year they have had and make resolutions for the upcoming year. Some people will want to be fitter, some wealthier, some more adventurous but truth be told most people wont stick to their resolutions for more than a few weeks, we are creatures of habit and it’s hard to change.  That being said those that make smaller resolutions are more successful at maintaining them and those that have a motivator even more so, so I asked some fellow parents

“What parenting resolutions will you make as we head into 2018?”

Personally I want to say stop and think before I answer my kids more and consider the actual question before I say no just because it’s easier to say no.

Play doh – no

sleepover – no

anything that’s noisy or messy – no, no, no.

The thing is I am starting to realise that there will be a time my children no longer want me to build models out of play dough or help me cook, they wont crave my attention or need my help so for 2018 I want to say yes more, or at least consider why I am saying no just because I can.

Here are the parenting resolutions of others and I would love to hear yours too

Becky from Mommy and Rory said “make more time for family meals at the weekend. We eat separately during the week because of work commitments but I think the weekend is the ideal time to sit down as a family and enjoy our food together.”

Victoria from the Growing Mum wants “to go outdoors with little one more. I love staying in and mooching around but I imagine he’d love getting dirty outside.”

Catherine from Cardiff mummy says “to have more one-to-one time with each of my three children. Ideally to take them somewhere of their own choosing away from the rest of the family. It’s not easy with a husband who works long hours and little childcare support but I think they need that one-to-one time more now they are getting older. As much as we love doing things as a family, I’m going to do my best to make time for it in 2018.”

Louise from Pink Pear Bear has a more personal resolution “Mine is to shout less! And find new ways to help my daughter tackle her anxiety about school as it’s starting to effect all of our lives. Oh, and to actually get around to meal planning as I say I’ll do it about once a month all year and never do!”

Emma from Emmaology has a resolution I may just pinch “I want to make a wish jar of family activities and pick at least one a month to make sure we are doing something fun and making good memories. I think my 8 year old will love coming up with ideas too.”

Lisa from Mummy Gummie is making a resolution that most of us can probably relate to, even if we don’t admit it. “Mine is to try and put my phone away more when I’m with the children so not tempted to spend so much time on social media.”

Nicola from the Mummy Monster needs to tell me the answer once she has it figured out “Mine to do something about the stressful morning school run. All I do is scream and shout at the boys to get out the door, so I have to do something to make it calmer and easier!!!”

So there you have it, parenting resolutions made by mums. Do you agree with any of these or do you have some of your own, feel free to share them with us.