My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure is the first My Little Pony, single player, console game to hit the shops in five years. It is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC and is aimed at children aged three and over. The game is set in the enchanting world of Equestria and features the next generation of ponies, Sunny Starscout, Zipp, Izzy, Hitch and Pipp as they come together to organise the best festival ever!
This week we enlisted the help of our two mini reviewers, Daisy (9) and Hazel (5) and asked them to play the game and give us their honest feedback. I was amazed to hear that in less than 24 hours they had completed the whole game and were ready to give their feedback. So, here you have it – My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure reviewed by the very people it was designed for, true My Little Pony Fans.
What did you think of My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure ?
Hazel: Thumbs up.
Daisy: I thought it was a good game but it could be improved, like, if you could have a two player then that would be better.
Was the game anything like the TV show?
Daisy: I think it was a bit like the series. There were a lot of characters that are on the show like Sunny and Izzy. There were bits of the town that I recognised, like the fountain and the stairs that lead down to the beach but I didn’t recognise some other bits. I probably knew about 40% of the places.
What was the aim of the game?
Hazel: To do tasks.
What was your favourite task on the game?
Hazel: The bunny task was my favourite. You had to round them all up and send them out of the gate. It was fun.
Daisy: There was a task where you had to find evidence for who had done some graffiti on a big advertising board. It was a bit like solving a crime so I really enjoyed doing that one.

Who was your favourite character on the game?
Daisy: The purple princess. I think she was called Pipp. I like her because she was a princess and I like princesses and how royal she acts. It’s a shame I couldn’t control her on the game. You could win things that she wore and then wear them on the game but I couldn’t play the game as her, just as Sunny.
Hazel: I liked the white one, she was called Zipp. I like white ponies, they’re my favourite.

What do like best about the game?
Hazel: You can dance on there. That was fun! You can run around and use roller skates. You see lots of bunnies too.
Daisy: I liked how there are tasks to do that are easy to follow. The other characters set you tasks which I like.
Is there anything you really didn’t like about the game?
Hazel: I thought it was a bit hard.
Daisy: It was a really short game. I finished it in a day.

Would you use your own pocket money to buy this game?
Daisy: It’s not that good so no. I would buy it with someone else’s money, though!
Hazel: If this game was available on my tablet I would play it.
What would you give this game if you were scoring it out of 10?
Hazel: 9/10
Daisy: 8/10 for me. It was fun to play but too short.
A parents review of My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure
From a parents point of view, this seemed to be perfect for my 9 year old. She was able to understand the tasks and never had to ask us for any help. My 5 year old didn’t find it quite as easy but was still able to control the pony and got enjoyment from just running around, jumping and roller skating, even if she wasn’t quite old enough to follow all of the tasks. So if you are happy to sit and play the game with your younger children then this will work but if you are looking for a game to keep them entertained whilst you get on with other things this may be better for those over 5.
In regards to value for money, £35 is not the most expensive game on the market but our children completed it in under less than a day therefor I wouldn’t say it represented great value for money.
Overall the girls really seemed to enjoy the game on different levels, Daisy enjoying the tasks and Hazel enjoyed just running around. It really is a disappointing that more tasks aren’t available to make the game longer and it’s a shame the girls couldn’t play it together and had to take it in turns to play. However, if you have My Little Pony fans I am sure they will enjoy exploring Equestria for themselves.
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(We were sent a copy of the game in exchange for an honest review.)