A Look Back At January

It’s hard to believe that we are already in February especially as Christmas only seems two minutes ago. Yet at the same time we have managed to fit so much in to the first month of the year that when I look back at January I can’t help but smile and hope that the year continues to be as fun packed as the first month.

The boys have started swimming lesson and by some miracle we managed to get them both into different classes on the same day at the same time, so it only means one trip to the baths each week. They are both so confident in the water and it is truly wonderful to watch them improve each week.

The big one has also started circuits, mine craft club and dance class, his social life is so much better than mine. That being said, his energy levels are so much better than mine too. Just the thought of all those extra clubs makes me feel tired.

I have increased my contract at work and despite it only being an extra few hours it feels like more.

The husband and I had a night away, CHILD FREE, in at Rowton Hall Hotel. You can read all about it here.

After years of deliberating we have finally booked both the en suite and the kitchen re modeling work. Yes at the same time, yes we are certifiably mad. The bathroom tiles have been picked and delivered and the hunt is now on for a new bathroom suite and in the kitchen we have picked the worktops and cupboards but no tiles. At  this rate we could end up with two half finished rooms, or bathroom tiles in the kitchen just so one is finished! But progress is being made and that’s all that matters, apparently.

We finished the month with a trip to Leeds to see my brother. It has been one of those trips we have been meaning to make for so long but one of us has always been busy or just too dam lazy to make the trip over and 6 months after he moved we have finally been to visit. There is a lovely park just near him and we spent the day running through mud (or at least the boys did) and exploring somewhere new. We certainly won’t be leaving it a other 6 months before we visit again.

It has been a busy month but a fun and with all the plans we have made and work we have booked in it is sure set to be a busy few months coming up too.

What was your highlight of January?

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