
The Best Books For Boys

Personally, I love to read. Always have and I imagine I always will. When I was little I remember my nana would read fairy stories to me when she babysat,…

Dogs ARE just for Christmas, right?

Okay so you know that saying, “dogs are for life and not just for Christmas”, well I think I got it the wrong way round. You see we bought our…

Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup

The boys have been busy in the kitchen with our food processor today and have created a lovely tomato and roasted red pepper soup to warm us all up on…

Meet our new addition

Since the tiddler could talk he has talked non stop about dogs. He would ask us repeatedly for a pet dog, a pug if possible but any dog would do,…

We Were Right, They Were Wrong

We were right and they were wrong, I knew it all along. I don’t know why my husband and I ever thought that a 7 year old and a 4…

Top Tips For What To Do In Barcelona

For my mums 50th birthday my brother and I decided we wanted to treat her to something really special. So we booked a surprise weekend away, just the three of…

The bathroom makeover

This year is the year of hard work and house renovations and our first project is the en suite. When we moved in to our new house in Chester we…

The Year Of Renovations

2017 is the year of renovation projects for us and where as most people would be excited by this, I am terrified. Terrified that something won’t go to plan, terrified…

A Look Back At January

It’s hard to believe that we are already in February especially as Christmas only seems two minutes ago. Yet at the same time we have managed to fit so much…