The latest L.O.L surprise dolls video game has just landed, and we were granted a first look to see what we thought of it. We invited our newest mini reviewer, Evie aged 4, to put it to the test and below you can find out what her and her mum thought of the game.
But first…
What is L.O.L B.B.s Born to Travel?
The newest L.O.L dolls video game is all about travel, glitter and fashion. You can play with up to 3 friends as you travel the world playing on 30 stages across 5 cities including New York and Paris! As you travel you will unlock surprises as you go and get the opportunity to create your own doll and make her a fashion icon using diamonds, glitter and wonderful outfits. The game is aimed at those aged 3 and over and retails for £39.99.

Evie, aged 4, played this game on her switch, she normally plays games on either an Ipad or phone so it took a while for her to understand that you move a joystick and buttons, rather than touching or moving the Switch itself.
Once understood, we set up the game. You had a few options to choose from the menu. We had a scroll before we chose. We couldn’t access the ‘Surf Island’ as we were advised that this was to buy at an additional cost, so we opted for ‘World map’ instead.
We entered the game and you could style an L.O.L doll, changing her outfits, skin colour, eyes and hair which my daughter enjoyed. This part of the game is great for creativity and letting them play around with fashion and colours and is relatively easy to navigate.
The next section of the game consisted of working in a café, making the food and passing to the customers. You get to do a test run first and the idea is that you are instructed by pictures as to what food the customer wants which is a good idea for children who are unable to read unaided. However, the pictures were quite tiny and it wasn’t intuitive as to what you needed to do. I would expect for a game aimed at younger children for them to be able to pick it up and play with it with ease. In the first test game it provided you with arrows to show what the sequence was and to get used to what to do. It took my daughter a couple of goes as the character was quite sensitive to the controls and she kept missing where the character had to go. I would recommend that the blocks were larger.
Upon completing the test, you are then taken to the proper game. It was good for a while, but I think there were far too many customers and my daughter got frustrated when she went wrong.
When this level was completed, you received a surprise which consisted of a sticker.

You are then taken back to the map to move onto the next level/game. We were expecting a different game to play, though it was the same cafetiera set up and my daughter became a bit bored. She did continue to see what other games were available so we selected ‘Fashion Show’. This was simply a memory game.
The aim was to memorise in a couple of seconds where the dots were on the keyboard and then repeat back using the keypad, again in a few seconds. For a four year old, I think the time given on this was far too quick. We decided to exit that game and it took us right back to the start.
The games also took quite a while to load, to the point where we thought we had to press something else. Even my 9 year old son who was on hand to help was a little confused at the beginning.

Although the graphics were bright and the music was catchy, in the end my daughter decided it wasn’t for her. I would suggest that this game is bought for those aged 6 and over as it is too complicated for those aged 3-5.