Gandeys Halloween Circus is at Bolesworth Castle in Cheshire from 21st October until the 30th October 2022. It is a 60-minute performance held inside the big top next to the pumpkin picking patch and yesterday we were invited along to watch it for ourselves.
We have been to Gandeys circus a couple of times before and have always been blown away by the standard of the artists, so when we heard they were doing a Halloween special we had high expectations and couldn’t wait to watch it.

Our review of Gandeys Halloween Circus
The Gandeys Halloween Circus at Bolesworth Castle is 60 minutes of great entertainment. If you are familiar with Gandeys Circus then you will know the calibre of show to expect, if not then you are in for a treat. There are a mix of acts including death defying aerial displays, juggling like you’ve never seen before, some crazy balancing acts as well as impressive dancers and the all-important clown.
It is one of those shows where you go from laughing one minute to holding your breath the next. The performers are skilled, but these acts don’t come without risks and there are definitely times when that sense of risk is palpable inside the big top, a natural silence descends, and everyone is literally on the edges of their seats. This is followed by a mass sigh of release and a huge round of applause for what can only be described as someone performing the impossible right before your eyes, often without any safety gear.

But be warned, along side the incredible acts, as with all of the Gandeys circus shows, there is also some audience participation which involves four unsuspecting men (in this case) being dragged in to the ring for some public humiliation in the name of entertainment, so you may want to avoid eye contact at all costs! The four chaps during our show were brilliant sports and it certainly had everyone laughing and is the perfect way to keep the audience engaged whilst the sets are being changed.
Overall, we loved the circus. It had everything we wanted and more. It was the perfect length of time for the younger members and was a brilliant mix of acts, music and dance. I would highly recommend it if you are looking for something to do over half term.

Is Gandeys Halloween circus scary?
I know some people will be wanting to know the difference between the usual Gandeys circus and their Halloween show so I’ve tried to explain it here as best I can but if you don’t need to know and don’t want any spoilers then please scroll past this bit to the top tips instead.
On the whole I would say no. However, if you have very young children or those that scare easily you may want to either reconsider or be prepared to leave early with them. To try and put this into context our two-year-old daughter found some bits scary and asked to sit on my knee where she clung to my arm and asked me to make it stop, but as soon as it did stop she was in awe of the other acts, clapping her hands, stamping her feet and giving a running commentary on what the people in the ring where doing, and loving every minute.
We did see two families leave, both of which had children around 2 or 3 years old. Other than that, I didn’t see or hear anyone else getting upset or scared. All I could see was families loving the show and enjoying the atmosphere.
In terms of what was scary, think Halloween costumes, zombie like dances and monster themed music like Thriller. Each Halloween section was short lived, maybe 1-2 minutes so for us although Layla was scared it passed quick enough for her not to want to leave or get upset and the next act always managed to distract her.

For reassurance, all Halloween parts took place in the ring, and they did not come into the audience or try and make people jump but if you have a nervous or young child I would recommend you opt for grandstand and not ring side as the dancers do get very close to the ring side which may be a bit much for younger ones, but something the older ones will probably love.
Top Tips for watching Gandeys Halloween Circus at Bolesworth
- You are not allocated seats when you book your tickets, just an area, so if you want to pick your seats arrive early.
- There are 3 rides, a hook-a-duck, and food and drink stalls outside the circus entrance, either take cash if you want to enjoy these or be mindful they are there if you want to avoid them.
- Pumpkin picking and the Halloween Maize maze are also going on at Bolesworth Castle, if you haven’t already done them then consider doing it on the same day to make the most out of your visit. And if you book for the 30th then stay for the Fireworks too.
- Remember to book your parking ticket when you book your circus tickets as you will be asked to show these on the way.
We hope you enjoy the show as much as we did.