Nursery can be a scary thought for both you and your child. After spending every waking moment by their side, the thought of dropping them off to nursery can be uncomfortable. But be rest-assured, they will be in the best care and supervision possible. They will come home with lots to tell you about the things that they have done and the friends that they have made. For some children this transition may come sooner than for others and that’s because every child is different. They grow at their own pace and while one child may have a social readiness, another may not and may need a little more time before they can be without you.
A nursery that provides childcare in Richmond shares some guidance to help you decide whether your child is ready for nursery.
Doing things without needing you to be present
Not being able to see their parents can send some children into a panic. If your child is okay being left in another person’s supervision, it’s a sign that they are able to handle things without you and are ready for nursery as they are unlikely to suffer with any separation anxiety. If this isn’t the case then you may want to start nurturing independence and encourage them to do things alone like playing with toys, watching telly and looking at books. Taking them to co-curriculum activities is also a good idea as they will be encouraged to leave your side and get involved with the other children and leaders whilst knowing you are still in the room. From here you can start to leave them with other people like friends and family for short periods of time to get them used to you not always being there. For some this will take longer than for others.
Do they like working with others?
Your child will meet a number of other children at nursery. They will have to work and play alongside them as lessons are directed at groups and will need to work with them in order to solve problems. If this is something your child can already do then they will find the transition easier but if they are not at this stage yet don’t worry, it is hard for a child to learn these skills without being in group settings. Here are some tips for how you can encourage your child to make friends.

Basic self care
Going back to their ability to do things without you, there are a few more things that you will need to think about and that’s concerning their basic self-care. Your child will need to do things like hold their own cup to drink and alert a member of staff if they need the toilette. If you can practice these skills, along with basic hygiene like hand washing and nose blowing at home, then it will help them to transition to nursery easier as they will be less reliant on the staff.
Once your child can do the above and they are ready to start there are a number of things that you can do to help your child settle at nursery to ensure they get the most out of the situation. If you haven’t picked a nursery yet then here are some things you should look for in a daycare setting to ensure you pick the best one for you and your little one.