How To Make Yoghurt With Easiyo

Yoghurt is a firm favourite in our house with both the adults and the children. We have it for breakfast with fruit, as a snack or as a pudding, basically anytime, anywhere.  Yoghurt was one of the first sweet treats that the boys got to taste when I was weaning them and they have loved it ever since and I have often wondered whether it would be easier if we knew how to make yoghurt to be sure we never ran out. So, when the opportunity arose to review an EasiYo yoghurt maker I jumped at the chance.

Being the only girl in the house means that I am usually drowning in a sea full of blue so when I was given a choice of colours for our Easiyo yoghurt maker I just had to be a tad bit selfish and opt for the pink one, just look at how pretty it is. However, I will point out that other colours are also available.

how to make yoghurt

How to make yoghurt with the Easiyo yoghurt maker

The instructions for the easiyo are explained in three straight forward steps which make it a nice easy activity to do with children of all ages. For us this meant that both my 3 and 6 year olds could get involved and learn how to make yoghurt for themselves.

1. Half fill the tub with cold water and add the sachet of mixture, shake well, top up with water and shake again.

2. Fill the Easiyo yoghurt maker with hot water and place the tub of mixture inside.

3.Leave for 10-12 hours.

Easiyo has loads of flavours for you to try. We were gifted two flavours Strawberry, (what else for The Strawberry Fountain) and Greek yoghurt with honey. We opted to try the Strawberry one first.

 how to make yoghurt

After the fun of mixing and shaking we placed the pink maker in the fridge and left it over night. The next morning both boys were eager to see if it had worked so that they could have some with their breakfast. The yoghurt had set to a great consistency and was easy to dish up but most importantly it tasted great with the cream flavour really coming through making it taste like an indulgent dessert. The boys were so proud of themselves and couldn’t wait to tell their teachers at school and nursery how to make yoghurt.

how to make yoghurt

We will definitely be using the Easiyo again soon to try out the Greek yoghurt with honey flavour as well as a few others that we have our eyes on.

Why don’t you give it a try here

Top Tips

If you are making this  with small children who tend to be a little bit impatient then I would recommend you make it either in the evening just before bed so that it is ready for breakfast or, if you have time, in the morning before they go to school so that it will be ready, or nearly ready, by the time they get home. 8 hours to wait for yoghurt is a long time to little children.

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