GIGANTOSAURUS The Game – A review by my 7 year old

A new game has been launched for the Nintendo Switch called Gigantosaurus The Game and it is based on the ever popular Disney program. It is aimed at children from aged 4 and is also available on the Playstation 4, Xbox one and PC.

The game allows players to race around the prehistoric land as one of their favourite characters, Tiny, Rocky, Mazu or Bill, as they uncover secrets, solve puzzles and save the day. Players can also join up with 3 of their friend and play togetehr making it an interactive, fun and social experience.


We were very kindly offered a free download code for the game in exchange for a review and as Connor (aged 7) loves a bit of Gigantosaurus I couldn’t refuse.

However, as times are very strange at the moment, the kids are home all the time and being able to do anything solo let alone work, is pretty impossible, I figured what could be better than not only letting Connor have the game to entertain himself on the long days at home but also get him to earn his game by doing the review himself.

So if you want to hear all about Gigantosaurus The Game from our little gaming reviewer, aged 7, then please continue reading

gigantosaurs the game

Hey Connor how do you feel about your first review?


Do you like your new game, Gigantosaurus The Game?


Is it easy to understand?

It was hard to know what to do at first but now I know. But it is a hard game.

What is the aim of the game?

You have to return all the eggs back to the nests.

Who is your favourite character?

Rocky because Bill does everything safe and Rocky likes to copy Gigantosaurus because he thinks if he does everything Giganto does he can become as big and strong as him but Bill plays it safe. I don’t really like Tiny because she is so small and she is an artist and I don’t like Mazu because he is a bit boring. 

Can you swap from one character to another whenever you want?

Yes but I play with Rocky the most and at certain points you have to change because some of them have different skills. Tiny can knock down trees, Rocky can go down slides because he is the only one brave enough to do it.

What do you like the best about the game?

I like that the raptures are like they really are in the TV show and they steal everything.

I also like that Mazu, Rocky, Bill and Tiny return the stolen things in the game as they don’t do that in the TV show. I love the car racing when the earth shakes and giganto goes running away and we have to chase him and collect the hazelnuts. 

Is there anything you don’t like about the game?

just one thing. On one level when you return an egg there are some bees and they can knock you off the cliff and it is very hard but I found a way to out smart them!


Do you think other boys and girls your age would like this game?



Well there you have it Connors first review, bless him.


If you are looking for other Switch games then check out our review of How To Train Your Dragon.