Exploring Mindfulness with Your Child

Mindfulness is a great way to develop a child’s sense of wellbeing and understanding of the world. It’s also something that both adults and children can take part in together, strengthening a bond between each other and developing skills in being resilient and decisive together.

In this guide we’ll help you explore mindfulness with your child, from the advice of this independent school in Oxford.

Show them how to eat mindfully

It can be tempting to wolf down your food, but in front of your child you should show them how to appreciate the food they have. Direct them to eat slowly and ask them to think about what the food tastes like. When they’ve finished eating, ask them to tell you what they thought about the process and how more aware they are of what they’re eating.

Have breathing exercises practiced for stressful situations

There are a lot of stresses a child has to handle, with school, personal responsibilities and friendships to maintain. When your child feels stressed, teach them how to take deep breaths and count to 3 as they do it. At first, 5 minutes of this will suffice as they’re getting used to the time, but this can be extended as they get used to the routine and practice more often. They can then rely on this when you’re not around to bring them back to the world of calm. Introducing them to meditation at an early age an stand them in good stead for the transition to teenage years and puberty when emotions can be overwhelming. This can be done via apps, guided activities or through meditation toys such as the Mindful Lil Minds Breathing Meditation Buddy.

Ask your child to visualise their safe space

Along with deep breaths and continued practice of understanding their breath, allow your child to visualise their safe place. Whether that’s in their bedroom alone or in the garden surrounded by their family, they understand that they can think about this when they’re in stressful situations. Ask your child to feel all the senses and describe their thoughts when they’re at this space place – the more they’re able to describe the likelihood they’ll feel more at ease.


Show your child how to keep a journal and encourage them to write in on a regular basis This will help them to free their mind and also make sense of some of their thoughts.