When lockdown hit the majority of people started to work from home. This resulted in people creating home offices in spare rooms, transforming the dining room into a workspace or even renovating the loft in order to create a workable, private, space where they could be productive. Now, lots of these individuals are starting to return back to the office, if not full time then a couple of days a week at least. For others, they may now be looking at the flexibility to work from home full time or perhaps have started working for themselves during lockdown and can now work from wherever they like, whenever they like. However, the UK is now facing another crisis, a huge increase in the cost of living which means that for some people working from home is no longer viable and instead it is going to be more cost effective to either return to their original place of work or hire new office space, either private or communal. Whatever the reasons, if you are now looking at moving your office space then here are three things you need to consider.
Home from home
If you have been working from home for the last two years, or maybe even longer, you may have now gotten used to a few home comforts. Take the time to analyse your working day, what do you like about your home office? What do you use during the day? Can you take these things with you or duplicate them in your new office space? For example do you now sit at desk with your heater on, a favourite blanket, or listening to the radio, do you enjoy coffee from your coffee machine or like to have a hot lunch. Find the things you may not have previously done but now can’t imagine getting through your working day without and make sure ou factor these in to the new office.

Hire an office relocation service
If you can, hire an office relocation service, it will make the move so much easier. Just like when you move house a firm can help you pack up your office and move it for you. This will reduce your stress, be time efficient and a lot easier than trying to do it yourself. But more importantly than all of that is the fact that your office equipment is most likely very expensive and moving it yourself can be risky. A firm will have specialist equipment they can use to lift and carry to avoid any damages but if they do break anything they will be insured giving you extra piece of mind on the day.
The switch over
Now you have found a new office space, bought any duplicate pieces of equipment you need and have decided to book a professional relocation service to help you move, you need to think about the cross over period. Chances are you will be unable to work on moving day. But you may also find you are unable to access the internet or phone lines for a day or two, or if you have a big office, you may need time to unpack and settle staff members in too. If you are moving to a communal office space you may also need to factor in time to talk to the other people in the space, get to know them and their routines and book any meeting rooms you may need for the upcoming month. All of this will take time so make sure you plan your move according to your work schedule. It might be easier to take a couple of days off or move when you have a natural lull in your working month but it is essential that you check your diary and avoid any peak times, important meetings or financial commitments like paying or chasing invoices as you may be unable to fulfil these tasks as efficiently as you usually would.