Running your own business can be challenging. It can have financial implications, be a cause of stress, take up the majority of your time and be all consuming. However, running your own business can also be financially beneficially, freeing, emotionally rewarding and lots of fun, if done right. One of the ways to make sure your business is a success is to do your research and implement all the latest technology that can work for you. One such piece of technology is machine vision and if you are currently unsure what that is or how it can be beneficial to your business then keep reading.
What is Machine Vision?
Machine Vision is the term used to explain what can be seen by a computer. It is a very sophisticated process that allows technological equipment such as computers or robots to create data using cameras that can identify certain pieces of information such as bar codes, colour verification, measurements and pattern matching.
What are the benefits of using Machine Vision in your business?
Increase productivity
By using machine vision you can increase the productivity in your business as it can speed up the majority of processes. For example being able to scan products and ascertain information from their barcode instead of manually typing in the price for each product will mean you or your staff can serve more customers in a shorter amount of time.
Increase Quality
Machine vision can be used to run a number of checks on products from as early as picking the fruit and veg through to the packaging stages of your business. By using Short Wave Infra-Red (SWIR) cameras you can guarantee high quality produce. When humans are used to pick fruit and veg they do so carefully and efficiently but mistakes can be made whereas if they are helped by SWIR the pickers will be able to identify those products that are ready to be picked with more certainty and quicker than usual. SWIR can also help to identify those products that are not up to standard ensuring they are not accidently packaged and sent your customers.

Top tip – If you run your own business, or are thinking for starting a new business any time soon, then make sure you look to Multipix for all your machine vision support, guidance and products. Multipx have been helping to create successful machine vision solutions, using cutting-edge technology and components for the past 25 years and will be able to help support you find the right technology to propel your business to the next level.
Reduce Waste
When it comes to packaging, machine vision can be used to spot any errors such as unsealed packets or damaged boxes. In some industries packaging issues can result in items being returned or refunds being given but if you work in the food an beverage industries then packaging issues can be more complicated and could lead to your products being contaminated or spoiled which could bring about health and safety related complaints, which is where machine vision will give you more peace of mind than the potential for human error.