Today is international nurse’s day so I’d like to take a moment to give thanks to all the nurses the world over.
Thankyou for the crazy hours you work, the questions you answer repeatedly, and for the way you explain what the doctor said in words that make sense.
Thankyou for staying late after a shift because you want to make sure we are okay before you leave, for holding our hand when no one else is by our side, for making our babies laugh as we fight back tears.
Thakyou for understanding our fears, for normalising our concerns, and for listening to us even though you are busy.
Thankyou for following your calling. Thankyou for everything you do.
My message of thanks goes to every nurse, everywhere fr the fantastic job they do but for some people one particular nurse or hospital of nurses have touched their lives in a way they will never forget and below are some messages of thanks just for them.
Carla-Marie “I would like to thank Linda from Blackpool Victoria Hospital for saving both mine and my sons life when I suffered from placenta abruption.”
Lianne would like to thank “the nurse that was so kind to me at Luton and Dunstable when I had my tonsils out- she held my hand through being put to sleep and was there when I woke up”.
Rachel would like to thank “the nurses in Birmingham Heartlands paediatric HDU at Christmas in 2014. They looked after Benjamin so well when he was very poorly, and looked after me bringing me tea, toast and hugs through the night.”
Claire want to send thanks to “the nurse at Darlington Memorial Hospital especially the nurses on coronary care, HDU and ICU for the years of care you provided for my mum before her death in 2010. DMH was her 2nd Home due to her diabetes, heart disease and kidney failure.”
Fran wants to thank “Rachel from Rotherham District General who went above and beyond when our son Oliver became very poorly during a routine visit. He ended up being rushed to intensive care in Sheffield but she stayed with us all day and made sure I got a cup of tea!”
Sophie’s message is for the nurses at Leeds General Infirmary on the ICU “for saving my babies life and caring for her when I couldn’t.”
Sophie and her family went through a very traumatic time and the nurses played a huge role in making everything okay again. Watch the video she made below and be reminded once again how lucky we are to have the NHS that we so frequently take for granted as well as the amazing doctors and nurses that treat us with care and compassion.
To all the nurses every where thank you and Happy Nurse Appreciate Day.