Running End To End | 874 Miles In A Year | Four Months In

I can’t quite believe we are four months in to the year already. It seems to be flying past. Our running End to End journey is still going strong although April has been a little bit harder to juggle with the reopening of different places including the boys midweek football practices and weekend matches. This new routine has definitely made it harder to fit everything in but we still managed to run 100 miles this month, just.

This now means our running total is currently 400.08 miles completed with 473.92 left to go. Taking us to almost half way now. Which, if you have been following our End to End journey you will also know resulted in another postcard. This time it says we are near Blackpool, my original home town. It’s nice to think if this wasn’t a virtual race that we could now be running down the prom that I have walked down so many times before, looking out at the ropey coloured sea and laughing at the tourists in their kiss me quick hats!

end to end

We have started doing a longer run most weekends now and have fund a new favourite route. It involves running up the canal round Chester Zoo and back down the canal. For the most part it is flat which makes it’s a nice route for a long run. It is also very pretty with the boats, fields and water and when we get to the zoo if we are lucky we get a quick peek of the elephants too. Not many people can say that about their running routes.

Although we haven’t entered the End to End as a competition, more as a personal journey, I did do a quick check and I am coming first out of all the Terri’s, not that any of them now we are in a Terri Competition but I will take the wins where I can, haha.

In May we are setting our sights a little lower than 100 miles and are simply hoping to cross the half way mark. I’ll keep you posted.

Running End to End must haves

This month I have been using the Gopo joint health plus ginger capsules.  As with all types of joint tablets it is hard to say if they are good or not but as I am not suffering with joint pain and I am running 100 miles a month average I do believe they are beneficial. I also think that prevention is better than cure so best to take joint care tablets on a regular basis before pain starts as by then the damage is already done. The GOPO Joint Health capsules are made from 100% specially cultivated natural rose-hip and are the only product of its kind to contain a high level of GOPO® – a key component of the rose-hip which may play a valuable role in the care of joints and joint tissues. So if you are looking for joint care tablets these are definitely worth a look. They cost around £24 – £27.