Examples Of Short Hair Wedding Styles

Short hair can create a real statement at a wedding, emphasising facial features, necklines, accessories and bridal gowns to the maximum. From a soft waved bob to intricate braids, there are numerous ways you can style short hair for a wedding and the best bit is if you have the right tools like the mdlondon BLOW hairdryer you can achieve these incredible looks yourself. 

If you do have short hair and want to style it in a different, eye-catching way for your big day, take a look at the following short hair wedding styles.

The tousled bob

Your bob is normally poker straight and shining from root to tip. Why not add some bounce to your bob on your wedding day by creating a tousled effect with rollers. The gently ruffled style will craft a real feminine, sultry look. Or if a tousled style looks too casual, bring an additional touch of glamour by placing a decorative wedding comb or even a tiara in your hair.

short hair wedding styles

Emphasise a pixie

There is nothing quite as cute, sassy, sexy and bold as a pixie haircut and at a wedding this ultra-cool hairstyle can look especially trendy and dramatic. Emphasise your stunning pixie cut by adorning bold red lips or placing an accessory in your hair such as headband, tiara or comb.

Wearing an elegant wedding veil is another simple yet effective way to accessorise a sassy pixie haircut.

Dip-dyed bobs

Dip-dyed hairstyles have taken the world of hair fashion by storm in recent months, so why not extend this statement-making trend to your wedding?

Dip-dyed bobs can look particularly stunning and would be a great way to add some spice to your short wedding hairdo. Whether you go for Drew Barrymore’s striking black tipped locks or give your chocolate tresses a kiss of platinum blonde at the end like Jessica Alba and Alexa Chung, it’s your wedding and the choice is yours.

short hair wedding styles

The A-line Bouffant

Styling your short hair in a bouffant styled A-line bob will guarantee a real eye-catching look on your big day. The bouffant effect can be achieved by curling frontal sections of the hair and backcombing the base of the crown for that uplifting, glamorous volume.

Remember to have plenty of hairspray at the ready to help keep your ultra-glamorous hairstyle intact until the last dance has been had and your guests have finally left.

Opt for a different colour

If there is one sure-fire way to alter your appearance and craft an entirely different look it is changing the colour of your hair. The great thing about hair dye is that it doesn’t have to be permanent.

For example, why not create a real stir as you walk down the aisle by boasting a fiery red pixie crop, or, if your normal hair colour is brown, a platinum blonde bob? You could always go back to your normal colour for the honeymoon.

The French braid hairstyle

Contrary to popular belief that braids are confined to longer hair, the braided trend can be applied to shorter locks, as long as they are not too short.


Glamorise your shoulder-length tresses by braiding them into a rustic French braid hairstyle on your big day – guaranteed to get the groom’s pulse racing!

Or failing all of the above you could always invest in a short bob wig of any colour or style that you desire.

Now you know how to style short hair for your wedding it is time to look at how to keep your bridal makeup looking great all day long.

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