How To Pack For Your Camping Adventure

What to Pack for Your Camping Adventure

Camping is one of the oldest hobbies and one that millions of people enjoy every year. Whether you are a keen camper or someone about to go on their first camping trip, there are several things you must remember to pack for camping.

While this list can change depending on where you are going and how long you are going for, it is comprehensive enough to suit almost any trip. 


The first things you must pack for camping are your necessities; medication, your smartphone, etc. If it is something you would take on any other trip, it is more than likely something you will need for your camping trip. 

Sleeping Gear

Your sleeping gear is up to you, but at the very least, you need a sleeping bag and a pillow of some kind. If it is raining, bringing an extra tap that you can lay underneath your tent will keep the bottom of your tent dry and keep you warm. 

If it is cold, then it is recommended that you take an extra blanket if you don’t have a cold-weather sleeping bag. 

Or, if you want to do more of a wild camp then you may prefer to pack hammocks instead of sleeping bags and tents.

Cooking Equipment 

Another thing that can vary depending on your needs is cooking equipment. A camping stove and pot will give you the most versatility, while a pan and barbecue grill will allow you to cook more types of food. 

A stove or barbecue-top kettle is also a great extra, as you can quickly boil water for hot drinks and cleaning.

Extra matches & lighter

The one mistake you can make is thinking you have enough of something and thinking there is a zero percent chance of you getting lost. If you are going somewhere new or going somewhere far off the beaten track, you need to be prepared. 

Fire is your greatest asset, and therefore it is important to pack multiple lighters or boxes of matches. It is also a good idea to pack one in your bag and one if your coat, in case you get separated from one of them. 

person switching lighter
Photo by Justin on


Always have a few bottles of clean water with you no matter where you are staying. It doesn’t matter if the spot you are going to had the cleanest water yesterday; it only takes one blockage or dead animal in the water to ultimately taint it.

Water Cleaning gear

On top of having a few bottles of water, you should also pack water-cleaning tools and gear. This can be anything from a filter straw to purification tablets. You also don’t need a lifetime supply, but having a few in your pack could come in handy. 

This is another reason you should have multiple sources of fire, as you may need to boil water, and you don’t want to run out of matches or lighter fuel. 

Bug Repellant 

While there are few places where you are at risk of disease from bugs, having bug repellant available is more about personal comfort. You don’t want to spend your day fighting off flies, and you don’t want to be kept up at night by the buzzing of mosquitos.

Navigation tools 

Once again, if you are travelling somewhere new, it is always essential to have backup navigation equipment. Your phone could easily die, and it can be hard to retrace your steps if you don’t have access to a GPS.

Instead, have a waterproof map with your route marked out, and circle and name anything along the trail that can help you find your way out if need be. 

Spare Clothes

While you are obviously going to pack clothes for the days you are away, don’t forget to pack a small, separate bag of extra clothes. You don’t need much more than an extra pair of socks and a shirt, but it should be clothing you might need in an emergency. 

This is particularly important if you are camping in cold weather, as having dry clothing available is essential if you were to get wet or sweaty.

This is a no-brainer, but a basic first-aid kit is a must. It should include a variety of plasters, a bandage or two, a gel or cream for burns, medication from headaches and stomach issues, and whatever else you think

If you have extra space, you can also include a few snacks and health bars that can be used in the event of an emergency, as well as scissors and an emergency blanket. 

Satellite Phone

Another item that is essential if you are going deep into the wilderness is a satellite phone. No matter how advanced your smartphone is, if you don’t have any signal, it may as well be a Nokia 3310. 

A satellite phone is the best thing to have on hand as it usually has a battery that will last for days, and you can make contact with almost anyone, no matter how isolated you are. Additionally, make sure a family member or friend has the number for the phone, so they can contact you in the event of an emergency. 

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