Gel A Peel Review

You all know how much we love Gel-a-peel in this house, the boys are crazy for the stuff, especially the tiddler. He has made a t-shirt with a gold ice cream on it, bracelets, necklaces and even a pair of earrings for me (which he insisted I wore for an entire day). So when we were asked if we would like to do a gel a peel review with a difference, make valentines day cards with it I instantly had two thoughts

  1. The boys will love this
  2. How on earth is this going to work?

What is gel a peel?

For those that don’t already know, Gel a peel is a craft set. It uses gel that you squirt out of a pen in to the design of your choice and leave to dry. Once hardened you can use it as you wish. It is great fun and we have created some lovely pieces of jewellery with it so far, but never a card!

Our gel a peel review

It turns out that the gel will dry and stick to pretty much anything and everything including pieces of card. So all we had to do was a design the cards and then carefully create them using the gel and leave them to dry as normal before gifting them to our valentines.

It was so easy and as always so much fun. I think if you have younger children then using the gel a peel on cards like this or on clothing as mentioned above is a great activity for the to start with as it is a lot easier than making some of the jewellery pieces.

What is also pretty awesome with these sets is that they come with stencils and moulds so you don’t need to worry of you are artistically challenged like me because there’s a back up plan. Now in the past we have just filled the moulds and waited for them to dry and had little shapes of gel, what we hadn’t realised was that you can wait till they are semi dry and remove them and pop them on the card to finish drying or attach them using a small amount of  gel underneath which will dry and hold the shaped gel perfectly in place. Of course if you are pretty artistic yourself you won’t need the moulds or stencils and you can just go free style straight onto the card.

It looks like gel-a-peel has more and more uses and although I didn’t receive one of these gelatines cards I have a sneaking suspicion my Mothers Day, birthday and Christmas cards may contain just a smidge of gel seen as the boys now know hey can use it to make cards.

The gel-a-peel range is ever growing and you can get them in a variety of colours. After my recent feedback in a previous review about them being aimed at girls I am pleased to see at least a slight change with this one having blues and pinks, hopefully it wont be long until they include male models on the boxes showing how creative fun can be had by any gender. In the meantime we will still continue to create just about anything we can with our gel-a peel  sets.

These cards teamed with some personalised swizzle sweets made for a pretty good valentines day in our house this year. I hope you all had a good one too.