If you have a child aged 7 and under you will probably know all about Peppa Pig and her friends. But did you know that there are now two Peppa Pig Magazines? One is the official Fun to Learn Peppa Pig magazine and the second is the Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun and below you can find out all about both of them including what we thought of them.
The Fun to Learn Peppa Pig Magazine
The Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Magazine is an interactive magazine aimed at both boys and girls aged between 3 and 7, although those under three can still enjoy it if supervised. As the title would suggest the magazine is based on the popular TV show, Peppa Pig, and features her, her family and friends, all of whom you and your little ones will recognise. Each magazine is full of fun activities including stories, engaging activities, creative crafts, fun puzzles to complete, games to play, and competitions to keep little ones entertained and each activity has been created in way that will aid learning.
For example this game will help your child with their counting and turn taking

Where as this one will help with reading, following instructions and cooking skills

There are other activities too such as colouring certain items in specific colours to help with colour identification and matching as well as stickers that can hep with finger dexterity, fine motor skills and hand eye co-ordination, all whilst being engaging and fun for your little one.
Each copy of the Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Magazine also comes with a free toy for added fun. In this copy there was a beach fun set that comprised of a beach hut, two characters and 6 other beach related items, great for encouraging imaginative play.
Our review
We loved it! Layla is Peppa mad so this was perfect for her, she was instantly interested in what it was and wanted me to read the stories to her straight away. At 2 she is just under the recommended age of three which did mean some of the activities were a bit complicated for her but the majority were brilliant and I loved how each one kept her engaged whilst I watched her learn new skills and enhance others. We will certainly be buying one again, most likely when we next go on holiday as this would be perfect for on the plane and at the airport.

Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun
The Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun Magazine differs to the previous magazine in that it is sealed so where as you can browse the other one before you buy it this one is a surprise for your child, although there are a few sneak peak pictures on the back.

It includes a fun and interactive Peppa Pig activity magazine as well as other Peppa Pig gifts and stickers.
Another difference between the two magazines is that this magazine has a theme with one main story running throughout, where as the other is more individual stories and unrelated activities.
Each issue also comes with a Peppa Pig colouring booklet and a Magic Painting book that is an excellent mess free painting exercise as the pictures gain colour with the addition of water alone.

Our review
Just like the Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Magazine we were thrilled with our copy of the Bag O’ Fun magazine. In some ways I would say Layla preferred this one and I think it was down to the surprise element and the excitement of opening it up and seeing what was inside. She also loved the painting booklet that came with too.
As a parent I was again impressed with how all of the activities were engaging and fun with educational values embedded in to each one.
We will also be buying this one for Layla again as it kept her amused for ages. If you want to grab your copy then the Peppa Pig magazines are out now and available from all good supermarkets, newsagents and WHSmith High Street and Travel or you can order online from their online store.